Uber crossing protests line after the taxis refused to do so added to the fury. This was a business decision that obviously was not thought out in full. Or the impact of the decision.
Personally, I believe many are dismayed with both Musks and Kalanicks silence and delay in acting. I don’t believe that either of them sitting on a task force for Trump is an issue. It was their lack of response and Ubers decision to put business first despite the protests.
This country was founded by immigrants, many of today’s global tech companies are the results of immigrants. Immigration is built into the fabric of the United States. A poorly thought out and deployed immigration ban that is based on one’s religious conviction goes against everything this country stands for.
No one blames either Musk or Kalanick for a bad EO. It was in the case of Uber, putting business in front of citizens fighting for what it right and using their constitutional right to peaceful assemble in support of green card and Visa holders. For that Kalanick felt and many would say deserved the fallout of a poor business decision.
One can only hope that the current administration soon realizes that they serve at the will of the people and act accordingly. Time will tell.